Weather Forecast: Plastic Haze


Artist Name Petra Gotthardt
Dimensions 59.4cm x 42cm
Medium Photography
Artist Location NSW

1 available

About Artist

Petra Gotthardt is a multidisciplinary artist forging her art practice in parallel to her busy medical practice, combining her passions for photography, painting, drawing, mixed media, collages and sculpture.
Nature is her inspiration and she uses photography to capture details, unusual perspectives or subjects as stand alone art or forming part of mixed media or collage processes. Creating visual and emotional experiences for the viewer which can be thought provoking, inviting reflection and an appreciation of new perspectives. She interrogates subjects such as climate change, nature’s resilience and the healing power of connecting with nature and human communication. Seeking the Sacred details of nature and making it visible is important to her. Her art is usually vibrant in colours and in deference to smaller living footprints and use of resources her works are often small and don’t usually exceed A2 size.
Second Place in TEN MOIR international Floral Art Competition – April 2023
Finalist in Environmental Art & Design Prize Northern Beaches- Aug 2023
Finalist in National Capital Art Prize 2023 in Canberra – Sept 2023
Finalist in SOHO Art Prize 2024- March 2024
Finalist in Remagine Art Prize , Hornsby 2024, 10.5-6.5.24

Open/Group Exhibitions:
Earth Unframed -Canberra ACT10.02-26.03.23

Fifty Squared Art Prize- BSG Melbourne VIC 24.06-07.07.23
Holy Art Gallery – London 28.8.-28.9.23
Artio Gallery-Barcelona 15.11.23-22.11.23
Geelong Photographic Portrait Prize : 06.04-27.04.2024
Body of Works on Public Display:
Windsor NSW – 2022 ongoing
Glenhaven NSW – 2021 ongoing , Castle Hill – 2023 ongoing
Private collections: Sydney, Berlin, Vienna

Artist Statement

Weather Forecast: Plastic Haze

Contemplating a beautiful sunset I listen to the weather forecast: Alert! Prepare for plastic haze.