Paying respect to the elders of this planet



Artist Name Greg Somerville
Dimensions 123cm x 101cm
Medium Mixed media: collage, drawing, digital pigment prints, painting
Artist Location VIC


About Artist

A multi-disciplinary artist based in Central Victoria, my work has grown out of a buddhist/ ecologist perspective.

Having graduated from Macquarie University with a major in Ecology and Molecular Genetics in 1976, I have worked at the National Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens (Sydney) and the University of Western Sydney before becoming a full-time art maker from the early 1980’s. Whilst much of my work since then is textile based, I draw upon my drawing and photographic practice.

Many years of keen observation of my local bioregion have all contributed to an aesthetic that dwells upon underlying patterns and relationships inherent in this part of the world. The patterns of water drops on leaves, the way lichen spreads on sandstone or the manner in which trees co-inhabit the landscape is every bit as revelatory as great texts, painting or musical composition.

Artist Statement

Art making is a series of visual, mechanical and philosophic problems to be orchestrated: the interplay between conscious structure and the great dynamic unconscious, tradition and innovation, movement and stillness.

Mandala like designs occur in many cultures often having similar functions: focussing the attention; spiritual guidance; representation of religious symbology/knowledge.

The structure of the mandala is contrapuntal to the dynamic, flowing drawing and biological imagery. This is a respectful placing of the great tree beings as worthy spiritual guides in realising the interdependence of all things; a realisation needed, especially now, in the midst of human caused environmental disruption.