Bush Medicine


Artist Name Esther Haywood
Dimensions 121cm x 122cm
Medium Acrylic on linen
Artist Location NT

1 available

About Artist

Esther Haywood is part of the exciting next generation of Utopian artists who are using artmaking as a means to uphold their commitment to traditional culture and knowledge. She belongs to the Alyawarre language group and associates with her grandmothers country of Atnangkere in the Utopia region, approximately 230kms north east of Alice Springs.
As a child Esther was surrounded by celebrated Utopian artists who had led the way in depicting their ancient dreaming stories in a highly contemporary and expressive manner. Her aunties include the late Ada Bird Petyarre and Kathleen Petyarre and her cousin is Gracie Pwerle Morton.
She carries on her grandmother’s bush medicine leaf style. Bush Medicine leaves are healing leaves of the Kurrajong tree used by women from the Utopia region in traditional bush medicines. Through painting, Esther pays homage to the spirit of the bush medicine leaves to ensure its regeneration, so her people can continue to benefit from its medicinal powers.

Artist Statement

My Brother and I were brought up by our grandmother, Gloria Petyarre. She was a very famous artist. She taught me the stories and songs of her Country and how to paint.
When Gloria got sick, I took care of her. Now that she has passed, I’m responsible for her Bush Medicine Dreaming. I’m very proud to paint to help keep her legacy, culture and Country alive.